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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

20th May 2022
We learned lots of interesting facts about Australia over the month of May. ...
17th May 2022
On May 6th the children in Junior Infants headed off on their very first school...
16th May 2022
The children in Ms Fay's class were busy learning about Ancient Egypt and Egyptian...
9th May 2022
We had such a fantastic trip to Newgrange Farm! The morning started off with huge...
8th May 2022
We had a wonderful visit to Newgrange Farm on our School Tour! We played in the...
6th May 2022
We’re been doing lots of fun activities to celebrate Inclusion at Lusk Junior...
4th May 2022
During national tree week we completed lots of interesting activities. We went outside...
29th Apr 2022
This week our class were learning about the old Irish legend of The Giant's Causeway....
26th Apr 2022
We started a happy epidemic with our fun poem!