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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht

2023/2024 School Year

26th Oct 2023
We were delighted to welcome Sam Maguire into Room 16 today. The boys and girls loved...
The boys and girls in Room 3 had lots of fun baking some delicious Halloween treats...
20th Oct 2023
What on earth 🌍 have Mr. Daly’s class been up to! We have been busy looking...
19th Oct 2023
We had a fun week this week as we switched on our maths eyes and focused on maths...
19th Oct 2023
We wore green last Friday to support the Irish rugby team!
18th Oct 2023
The boys and girls in Room 3 are very busy celebrating maths week. Today, we explored...
The boys and girls in Mr. Nolan's class were decked out in their green gear today...
18th Oct 2023
We are all dressed up in green to support Ireland in the rugby!
17th Oct 2023
On Monday the 16th, Second class had a fantastic opportunity to get involved in a...