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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht

2023/2024 School Year

11th Dec 2023
Jennifer, a real scientist, came to visit our school and show us how to do a colour...
6th Dec 2023
The boys and girls had an amazing time watching the Little Red Riding Hood puppet...
6th Dec 2023
We felt so cold reading the story "Snow Angel" this much so that it froze...
6th Dec 2023
Things were getting very Festive in Ms. Price's class today!
1st Dec 2023
We worked very hard on tens & units, we also explored some hundred blocks! 
1st Dec 2023
We paid a visit to our tree in the school woodland area. It's growing! 
1st Dec 2023
Our TY buddy reading in the library! Lots of books and chats! 
30th Nov 2023
To celebrate Science Week, we were very lucky to have Jennifer, a real life scientist,...
30th Nov 2023
We had so much fun learning how to use a dropper and experimenting with colours!