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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

4th Class presentation of broomsticks to Junior School

26th Oct 2022
A huge thank you to all of our lovely friends in 4th class who gave every class in Lusk Junior School a broomstick that they made from materials growing in our Woodland. Both 1st class and 4th class have enjoyed two great days of Biodiversity Woodland Workshops with our expert visitor Niamh. They have spent time outside learning about what is growing & living in our beautiful woodland, they have learnt how to identify trees by their leaves, added to our insect hotels, made broomsticks for Samhain and generally had a super time exploring the woodland. A huge thanks to Niamh & Heritage in the Schools for two great days. We look forward to seeing Niamh back with us again soon.