Access Keys:

Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

Back to School Information for Junior Infants

25th Aug 2022

Following a nice Summer break we cannot wait to welcome your children to Lusk Junior National School on Wednesday 31st August. We want to send a brief reminder to you about the procedures for the children next week.

Junior Infants will start at 9.00 am on Wednesday 31st August. On arrival to school please enter the Junior Yard via the gate behind the Scout Den and exit via the gate at the school hall.  We have a one way system place which is adhered to at all times. Parents and their children will be able to access their new classroom at 9.00 am.  Parents will be invited to stay with their children until 9.20 am on the first school day only. After the first day the children will be escorted to their rooms by the teachers present at each of the entry doors.  Please remember the following points of entry for your children.

Door 3: - Ms Price,  Ms McGovern
Door 4: - Ms Halpin, Ms McCartney

At home time the teachers will bring the children out to the yard at 11.50am.  Please wait behind the bollards until they are released by the class teacher one by one. 

Please note the following important dates for your child's first three weeks of school: -
School day 31st August until Friday 2nd September: - 9.00 am - 11.50 am
School day 5th September until Friday 9th September 08.50 am - 11.50 am
School day 12th September until end of year 08.50 am - 13.30 pm

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the office on 01-8709242 /