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Fun FRIENDS programme

26th May 2022
Fun FRIENDS programme

As part of the SPHE curriculum in our school, we are running the FUN FRIENDS Programme with all 1st and 2nd classes this year.

The FRIENDS for LIFE programme was developed by world-renowned child psychologist Professor Paula Barrett to equip children and their families with life skills that build resilience and social emotional strength to cope with stresses and challenges that are a part of everyday life. The FRIENDS program is an Australian developed, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based program, endorsed by the World Health Organisation, as best practice for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression, promoting resilience in families, schools and communities.

FUN FRIENDS is a fun & interactive programme which teaches children how to feel more confident and brave in their daily living and how to feel better about themselves. It aims to give students the power to control their thoughts and emotions in a positive way. Thus, its objective is to promote social and emotional wellbeing by teaching important coping and problem solving skills that students can apply in their own lives

Ms Clarke, Ms White & Ms Ní Dhúill have been trained to facilitate this emotional health programme through the National Educational Psychological Services (NEPS) and The Psychology Tree, an accredited training partner of The FRIENDS Programs International Foundation. We work in conjunction with the class teachers to implement this programme.

Following each session each week, the children are given a ‘Home activity’ to do which will involve practicing skills taught during the session. In the meantime, if you would like further information click on the link FUN FRIENDS RESILIENCE

Ms Judge's class completed the Fun Friends programme with Ms White. Well done!
Ms Judge's class completed the Fun Friends programme with Ms White. Well done!
Ms Duggan/ Ms Jordan's class completed the Fun Friends Programme with Ms White. Well done!
Ms Duggan/ Ms Jordan's class completed the Fun Friends Programme with Ms White. Well done!
Ms Ní Dhúill's class completed the FUN Friends programme
Ms Ní Dhúill's class completed the FUN Friends programme
Mr Nolan's class completed the FUN Friends programme
Mr Nolan's class completed the FUN Friends programme
Ms Nolan's class completed the FUN Friends programme
Ms Nolan's class completed the FUN Friends programme
Mr Daly's class completed the FUN Friends programme
Mr Daly's class completed the FUN Friends programme