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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

'Monster Doodle' Workshop

24th May 2024

The children of Second Class had the most wonderful privilege to attend a workshop hosted by none other than the very popular author and illustrator Niamh Sharkey.

Niamh is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's picture books including one of our favourites, 'The Ravenous Beast'.

Niamh led the children through the creative process of developing a character. She shared her inspirations and encouraged the children to conjure up some of their own ideas.

The children then had the most incredible fun bringing their characters to life. Equipped with oil-pastels and super long sheets of paper, they had great fun doodling and collaborating with one another. Why not take a peek at our budding illustrators' work!

A massive thank you to Niamh, and to Emer of Fingal Libraries (Niamh's sister and mom to Reuben in Ms. Sherry's class) for facilitating such a fun and memorable workshop.