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Mr.Daly's Class - Spotting the early signs of spring

18th Feb 2022

Just before the mid-term break the boys and girls in Mr. Daly's class were busy spotting the early signs of spring around the school. 

One of the very early sign of spring that we noticed were the daffodils and crocuses that can be seen at the front of the school. The boys and girls can remember planting these bulbs themselves in senior infants and it was lovely to see the plants return again this spring.

Some of the second classes have been planting in the beds around at the yard. Onions and garlic were planted before Christmas and are beginning to sprout. The class will be busy watering the beds in March!

Finally the class have shown a great interest in the birds around Ireland and we have been learning everything about Lambay Puffins to house sparrows. Now that it is spring time we can hear these birds singing in the mornings.

All of the children agree that spring is most definitely a time for us to get out and play with our friends!!!!