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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

Our Sensory Circuit

10th Mar 2022

Welcome to our sensory circuit @ Lusk JNS !   Our day is full of sensory experiences from the moment we wake up to when we go to sleep. We all respond to sensory information within our environment differently as we touch, move, see, hear, taste and smell things around us. The environment in which learning takes place has a significant impact on the participation of children ( from Maciver et all, 2019 in Sensory spaces in schools NCSE). We know that children learn more effectively and participate more fully when they feel happy in their class, believe in themselves, feel acknowledged and supported in their schools.   

As a result, we have created a number of sensory areas around the school which is available for use by all of our pupils, with the aim of providing children with the sensory input they need to self-regulate, so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with others.   

Regular participation in our sensory circuit can improve skills such as sensory processing, fine & gross motor skills, motor planning, balance, emotional regulation, confidence and social skills. Each area aims to provide the child with the right type of sensory input in order to calm and organize them for the day ahead, thereby ensuring that they are ready to learn.   

It provides vestibular and proprioceptive stimulation, preparing the body and brain to return to work , as well as supporting interceptive awareness to facilitate self regulation and support social and emotional learning. Take a look at the photos below which will bring you from our motor trail, to our bounce & balance station, on to our talk & touch corridor and finally take a peak at our calm corner and sensory drawers. All these areas are pupil focused and will continue to evolve as the needs of our pupils change and develop. We are excited to see where they will bring us next!  

None of this would have been possible without the creativity, and DIY skills of our wonderful SNA team & Mr Goran. A huge thank you also goes to the management team and the Parents/ Guardians of Lusk JNS for their generosity in funding & supporting this project via your Voluntary Contributions.  

Our touch & talk corridor
Our touch & talk corridor
Our balance & bounce area
Our balance & bounce area
Our motor skills trail
Our motor skills trail
Our calm corner. Shhh!
Our calm corner. Shhh!
Some of our sensory drawers
Some of our sensory drawers