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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

Our trip to Round Towers GAA

19th Apr 2024


On Thursday morning we set off at 9am for the Round Towers GAA club following the invitation from coach Gerry to join him and the hard working TY students and coaches on the wonderful astro facility for the next two Thursday mornings. 

The boys and girls had an opportunity to experience all the fun and games that happen on Saturday mornings in the Round Towers academy.

A huge thanks to Gerry and his coaches, to Round Towers and to all of the parents who helped us walk the children up and down to the GAA club.

Now that we all know the way, coach Gerry and the club would be delighted to welcome as many new faces as possible to the Saturday morning academy and to their underage teams.

We are already looking forward to returning next Thursday.