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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

Our Weekly Online Assembly

22nd Dec 2021

Would you like a sneak peak into your weekly online assemblies? It’s the highlight of our Fridays! Every week we sing, dance & celebrate with each other through our online platform.

Every week Ms Clarke and Ms White connect with every classroom in the school so we can share news and see what's happening in other classrooms. Special guests join us each week including Ms Fay with our assembly song and Ms McCabe with our Frasaí na seachtaine. However, the most exciting thing about our  assembly is our 'Timpeall na Scoile' segment….when a class shows us what they have being doing during the week. We are always blown away by the talent and knowledge that is shared with us each week. We always learn so much from each other.

Check out the photos below of when two extra special guests ( wearing red suits!) joined  us for a  sing along and to read us a story. What a wonderful surprise we all got in December.