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The Day the President of Ireland came to our School!

25th May 2023
The Day the President of Ireland came to our School!

It was such an incredible honour to welcome the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, to our school on Thursday 25th May 2023. President Higgins' visit took place in order to celebrate the 200 year anniversary of Lusk National Schools. The President took a wonderful interest in the pupils and what they had to show him and tell him about our school, both past and present. Following his arrival, and tremendous welcome from our pupils, the President began his visit in the Junior school, where our Student Council told him about our school and some of the exciting projects we have been working on. The 2nd classes then sang him a song which was composed by our very own Ms Fay, and presented him with a framed copy of the music and words.

Next stop was the central pavilion, where President Higgins planted a native holly tree with Ms Ní Dhúill and student representatives from both schools. The holly tree was chosen because the Irish for holly is 'cuillinn' and our school is named after Naomh MacCuillinn.

President Higgins then went on to visit the Senior school. Following this, President Higgins entered the main hall where he addressed an audience of representatives from the local community and was presented with gifts from both schools. 

We hope that you enjoy looking through the photos and videos attached, so that you too may share in the excitement which was felt by all who were present on the day. Photos are also available on, as well as the President of Ireland's official Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts. Thank you to Simon Archer for taking the official photos on the day.