Access Keys:

Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin
School is closed for mid-term break and will re-open on Monday 24th February.
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Ms Ciara's FAQs

School office open from 8.30am – 3.30pm.

Opening Hours:- School gate opens for entry to school at 8.45am. Children should be in their classrooms by 8:50am. The school day officially begins at 8:50am.

Finishing times: School finishes at 1:30pm for Junior and Senior Infants and at 2:30pm for 1st and 2nd Class.

The children get two outdoor breaks during the day.

  • The first break is at 10:40am for all children
  • The second break is at 12:15pm for all children

For children starting school for the first time, pre-enrolment packs will be available from the school office (please see Lusk JNS Annual Admissions Notice which will outline the specific dates of enrolment each year). Parents will be asked to collect a pre-enrolment pack and return it to the school with a signed 'Code of Behaviour' policy, your child’s birth certificate and a copy of a utility bill as proof of address.

For children who are moving to the area from another school, please contact Ms Ciara in the school office to discuss 01-8709242

Our school uniform policy consists of:

  • a navy tracksuit with school crest, and light blue collared t-shirt, and/or
  • grey trousers/pinafore/skirt, a light blue shirt and a grey cardigan/jumper  

Suppliers: Pat O'Farrell, N1 Business Park, Unit 2, Swords Road, Swords, Co. Dublin

Tel:  (01) 813 9714

Under the Education Welfare Act 2000, parents must let the school know the reason why their child is absent on any given day. Under the Act, the school is obliged to report to Tusla the non-attendance of any child who misses 20 days or more in a school year, along with the reason(s) for the absences.

Good attendance is a priority in our school. Please do not keep your child out of school unless it is absolutely necessary (for example, in the event of illness). 


The school observes a healthy eating policy. We encourage children to include a piece of fruit and a dairy product in their lunch daily. Children may bring in one small treat only on a Friday.

Several items including fizzy drinks, crisps, chewing gum, lollipop/hard sweets and nut-based products are not permitted in school on any day during the week.

Children bring their lunch rubbish home in their lunch boxes each day.  

**Please be aware that our classrooms are Nut-Free zones.**

Our main form of communication will be through Databiz Solutions. 


Video to install Eolas


Link to login page:

Link to Help page with FAQ :

Manuals that can be used:

  • Parent_signup_to_DataBIz.pdf – shows how to login for the first time using screenshots
  • Make_a_Payment.pdf  - shows parents how to make a payment using screen shots

To Register with the DataBiz Solutions platform:

If you have not already registered...

  • Follow the link ( to visit the DataBiz Solutions website.
  • Click on the 'Parents Login' link at the top of your screen.
  • When presented with the login form, click the 'Sign Up' option.
  • Enter your email address (i.e. the email address that received this message) and mobile number in the pop-up screen and click 'Send Request'.
  • Open your email inbox and, after a few moments, you should receive an email with your new password (If the email is not in your inbox please check your Junk/Spam folder).

To log in and make a Payment:

  • Return to the login form and enter your email address and the new password that you have just received in your email and click 'Log In'*
  • Click on the Payments Fee link provided in the 'Notifications' panel, or click on the 'Payments' icon.
  • Select the Fee you wish to pay (you can change the amount payable, should you wish to pay in instalments).
  • Click on the 'Pay Now' button at the bottom of the screen, and submit your credit card details via the popup that appears. 

*Note that you can change your provided password to something more memorable via the 'User' tab at the top of your screen, once you have successfully logged in.

If for some reason, you are unable to access the app, please contact Ms Ciara on 01-8709242.

It is vital that parents check the app regularly for notices and updates.  If details such as contact phone numbers, emails or addresses change please notify Ms Ciara on