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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

13th Jun 2022
Ms Price and the class had great fun building land yachts. Afterwards they measured...
9th Jun 2022
Congratulations to all the boys who finished the Fun Friends programme!
2nd Jun 2022
Over the last few weeks, we have been busy learning how to make pinch pots using...
2nd Jun 2022
We all had such a super time at Lets go camp! So many fun activities!
1st Jun 2022
The boys and girls had a wonderful time in Gormanston for their ‘Let’s...
30th May 2022
Each of the second classes have been very busy learning the tin whistle over the...
26th May 2022
As part of the SPHE curriculum in our school, we are running the FUN FRIENDS Programme...
25th May 2022
On Wednesday, we were absolutely delighted to welcome author Shane Hegarty to our...
24th May 2022
Communion preparations are well underway and last week all second classes made the...
24th May 2022
This month all of the second classes have been busy learning about the Titanic....