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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht - Ms Price

19th Apr 2024
We celebrated our annual Inclusion Week this week. The theme for this year is ‘Cogs...

2023/2024 School Year

28th Jun 2024
We explored our nature trail in the school! On our exploration we collected lots...
28th Jun 2024
We had so much fun showing our Teddies around our school and our Teddies did a fantastic...
27th May 2024
We had a fabulous time on our school tour exploring Newbridge Farm. We had lots of...
27th May 2024
We put our knowledge of waterproof material to the test. We designed and created...
25th Apr 2024
We were so lucky to have Coach Gerry and Round Towers Lusk invite us over, two weeks...
11th Mar 2024
We loved dressing up for World Book Day! Our favourite author we explored was Julia...
4th Mar 2024
We have been learning all about 2D shapes. We discovered that 2D shapes can be found...
22nd Jan 2024
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Room 5 airline.  We ask that you please...
20th Dec 2023
We got a very important call from Santa this week! Santa asked the boys and girls...