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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht

2023/2024 School Year

27th May 2024
We put our knowledge of waterproof material to the test. We designed and created...
27th May 2024
We had so much fun on our school trip to Newgrange farm on Friday. We got to feed,...
26th May 2024
The 1st Class boys and girls headed to Newgrange Farm on Friday for their school...
24th May 2024
The boys and girls had the most amazing day on their school tour on Newgrange Farm...
24th May 2024
The children of Second Class had the most wonderful privilege to attend a workshop...
16th May 2024
The boys and girls had lots of fun at Pudden Hill on our school tour. 
13th May 2024
The children were absolutely delighted that they filled their class marble jar again....
13th May 2024
Look at some of our beautiful artwork. We even got to decorate the May Altar in the...
25th Apr 2024
Another successful GAA blitz at The Round Towers. The children had a fantastic time...
25th Apr 2024
We were so lucky to have Coach Gerry and Round Towers Lusk invite us over, two weeks...