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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht

2022/2023 School Year

First class worked really hard on their blending of colours starting from light...
First Class have been really enjoying learning some new skills with Coach Gerry...
12th Oct 2022
We have been loving learning Gaeilge! Here are some of our favourite songs. We have...
11th Oct 2022
This term, we have been working on building the strength and dexterity in our hands...
We have been doing lots of reading in first class. We love heading to the school...
6th Oct 2022
Look at some of the fine motor activities we did in September. 
6th Oct 2022
Take a look at the children's wonderful art inspired by Wassily Kandinsky! They...
6th Oct 2022
We have been very busy here in second class this September! Over the last couple...
6th Oct 2022
The boys and girls have been working really hard! Well done!🤗🤗🤗
5th Oct 2022
We have been having lots of fun during Maths time in Room 8! The children have been...