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Lusk JNS, Chapel Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin

News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

18th Feb 2022
We are very busy this spring in Ms Duggan & Ms Jordan's class.  We created...
18th Feb 2022
Just before the mid-term break the boys and girls in Mr. Daly's class were busy...
18th Feb 2022
We had a wonderful Valentine's Day this year in Ms Duggan & Ms Jordan's class....
16th Feb 2022
We impressed assembly with our super dance moves!
16th Feb 2022
We designed and cut out our very own dragons to celebrate the Lunar New Year!
9th Feb 2022
Enjoy the children's stellar performance of five little speckled frogs! Don't blame...
9th Feb 2022
07/02/2022 Dear parents/guardians, We hope that you are all keeping well and...
28th Jan 2022
Our class were recently learning all about Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. Instead...